Epilogue - I installed a VRM into Tristan's Tweed. (Lead git in We Will Rock You; Rock of Ages etc.) He wanted to be able to turn down the level a bit for quite recording.
I replaced the power switch with a combined 1M On-Off / 1M Audio. After moving the power ground toward the tube side, I located the VRM board where the original power ground was.
Set it up stock & let Triatan test it. It did everything he wanted but he only used it to half setting of the dial which was conversation level. This was at a B+ or 100V.
To make the adjustment easier and remove the lower end 'noise', I added another 100K in series with the 100K resistor going to ground so the total was 200K. This meant the low end voltage was about 20% of B+ , give or take.
The results were excellent! With the Volume control on max, and turning the VRM, the volume goes from conversation level Bluesy Tweed at minimum setting to full bore Tweed and the tone was fully retained. Great Tweed Tone at low level.
I like the 200K mod a lot.
My son, andrew, was trying an amp out in the shop and I was in my office and could hear him playing (this it pretty typical
). It sounded so good and bluesy but the volume was so low (unheard of here!) I just had to go out and see how he was doing it. What amp was he playing? He had just found the VRM control on the Tweed!!
Summary: This is a very worthwhile addition to the Tweed as well, and the extra 100K resistor is the "bees knees".
Highly Recommended.