I found some info that might interest you on the music electronics forum
My amp also does kind of a weird fizz on notes or chords when it is pushed after the brown tweaks- with the stock MV in mine it is noticeable over 5 a little bit and more noticeable when dimed - seemingly worsening as I push the power tubes as you surmised with your amp. I did not really notice it much until I got my attenuator as the amp was so loud before it was getting kind of drowned out. But now with the attenuator I seem to notice it a fair bit because I can play it at sane volumes - clip below. See if you notice what I mean with kind of a high end fizz riding on top of the chords particularly as they decay - sort of similar to your issue
http://snowboardmaterials.com/tmb_fizzz.mp3In terms of addressing it - below is a cut and paste of a post from one of the gurus there and a link to the thread following that - the guy posting it is not a huge fan of EL84's or low watt amps in general so the thread is kind of funny cause the guy is a real basher. Nonetheless he posts some interesting ideas
"There ARE ways to make EL84's behave. The biggest reason I know of for EL84's buzzy/fizzy reputation is that they grid load very easily causing crossover distortion. Second to that is the fact that most of these amps are cathode biased. So as the amp pushes harder the bias cools. If things aren't set up just right this causes even more crossover distortion. Combine this with high gain and the need to crank them for volume and it's a mess really. The other option is to NOT push the power tubes that hard and generate most of your distortion in the preamp. Either way you get thin, buzzy/fizzy tone.
Bias on the hot side. EL84's don't seem to mind.
Use the "Paul Ruby" mod to stop grid loading.
Don't run plate volts excessively high.
Use a zener across the cathode resistor to "fix" the bias at the onset of clipping.
If needed you can use a small conjuctive filter to pull down excessive overshoot spikes on OD. With an 8k priZ a 10k resistor and a 1500pf cap only effects the spike and won't dull your tone.
Use an OT with some meat on it.
Since you can now smash the PI and power tubes without fear of crossover distortion or excessive overshoot spikes there is no need for excessive preamp overdrive.
A good efficient speaker can add more volume than trying to push the power tubes into more watts.
Ta Daaaa... Now your "pair of EL84's" amp won't offend Bruce
Uh oh... Did I give something "secret" away like Randy Fay?