I'd built my TRIWATT quite a couple of years ago, but hadn't gotten around to getting the cabinet together, it's been a busy time, but I've finally done it. The cabinet came today!!!
Didn't have it home for 5 minutes before I had it opened and got the back off. It did take me a while to find the clip nuts and machine screws that came with the original kit, but I never throw anything away, so knew they were here.
Anyhow. Check out the TRIWATT in its new cab in it's place of honour. As mentioned, I've been using the TRIWATT for a couple of years and dig the hell out of it. Primarily, I've been using it with the 1x15 Traynor bass cab. Great for the A and B Tuned stuff I play. Good for the standard tuned stuff as well. But the 1x15 is not ideal, so I've got a couple of Tone Tubby's (One Ceramic and One AlNiCo on the way) I'm planning to build a cab for as "the bomb" to go with the TRIWATT head! Fun project for the spring.
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