Woohoo, fired her up, ran some tests, plugged in and she sounds great, not a single problem, no puffs of smoke, sparks or strange noises.
I managed to pick up a 500ma fuse, they only had fast Blo and it's been fine so far, I will get a Slow Blo to install during next week.
I used a "Dim-Bulb" tester I made to fire her up, swapping in 15W, 25W, 40W, 60W and 100W bulbs in order and then straight to the wall, everything was fine.
Some of the start-up steps are a little confusing for a novice, that is if I read them correctly. It says "Apply power. Leave VRM at idle and measure the DC Voltage on the "first" 50uf filter capacitor. It should be over 400volts DC." The thing that initially confused me was I assumed the "first" filter cap was the one closest to the MOSFET end of the board and with the VRM at idle I wasn't getting much voltage at all, until I turned the VRM to near MAX and there was my 400+ Volts. It had me for a minute or two, I thought I might have wired the VRM backwards or something, I went back to the schematic, then I realised the "first" cap is actually the second cap in from the end of the board (C13) which is connected directly to rectifier diodes, hence "first". Now the readings made sense.
That was the only 'hiccup" though.
The amp is dead quite and sounds fantastic, I've been playing it through the Texas Heat in my Tweed Deluxe cab, nice warm and fat sound, fantastic clarity. I'll be back with some final assembly pics and the chassis installed in the Head tomorrow but right now it's time to play a bit.
Then I'll swap in a 6L6 and take it to band rehearsal on Tuesday where we'll introduce her to some Hendrix tunes.