With the iron available and a chassis from inventory we were able to put together a working prototype to take to the local players for feedback on the tone.
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Shawn Dore said after a week long trial: "The little amp is sounding great! The only 4 or 8 ohm cab I have here is a big big fender bassman 2x15" cab and it sounds great through that! I think it's a great apartment or bedroom amp!" Video to come
Further feedback via Rob Waite "Here are my thoughts based on my very brief time with the amp. 1) Holy is it loud for a 1 watt amp 2) The drive has just enough grit to make it interesting. And the boost adds more grit, but in a really good way. 3) The true test for me is if a guitar or amp makes me want to keep playing it, or nudges me in a good way toward a certain kind of playing/expression. This amp totally hit that for me. If they start producing these, I will buy one for sure. I loved it."
Clips to come.