Well, I'm at the point where I believe I've finished my wiring and am about to find out why I'm not really finished. How's that for optimism? I have powered up without the rectifier installed and am getting a voltage reading of 313 at pin 7 of the EZ81 socket (it's supposed to be 290, so I don't really know if that's a significant discrepancy).
Checking V1 through V5, still in "standby", I'm getting essentially nil readings at all, so I assume something is wrong. It's my understanding that it's bad to switch out of standby without a speaker or other load connected, but maybe that's not true without the rectifier in.
Am I supposed to be getting voltage at the filament leads of V1 - V5 with the amp in standby? And if so, could anyone see from the photos below what might be wrong? Thanks.