Hi all
I've posted this question on a couple other forum sites so I apologize if you've seen it else where, I'm just seeking a range of opinions before I dive in to try and fix this.
A couple years back I built a very sweet S-III and love it! (Its really a great little amp) -- But recently it's developed this significant noise/buzz. It sounds like a ground issue to my amateur ears, maybe the jack on the first channel as it persists when I turn up that volume pot even without a guitar plugged in; the TMB channel seems fine when unplugged but when there is a guitar plugged in (in either channel) both channels have the buzz. I was wondering how exactly I should go about trouble shooting it. I made a video as an example of whats going on with it which explains maybe better then I am here.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeQtgFO-xVMSomeone over at 18w.com suggested it may also be a bad tube, but I'm not even sure how to go about checking that. They all seem to light up. Some people on this forum were a great help when I was building it so I thought I'd check back for advice on this.