BeachBob wrote:
That PDF is sort of helping. Thanks.
Your sentence re: the jacks.... let's see if I've got this... The jack has 4 lugs, split into two banks. Each bank has a hot and a ground. Lets call the banks left and right to match up with the drawing in the link earlier in the thread... If nothing is plugged into a jack, then the hots are jumpered together and the grounds are jumpered together. If you plug something into the jack, it breaks the jumpers allowing the left and right bank to operate independently. I'm wrestling with this concept..hope its correct, because there is a lot text coming that is based on this....
The two hot or two ground connections are either connected or unconnected based on whether or not a cable is inserted.
The co-ax (shielded) cable is only grounded at one end to get rid of hum. Grounding it at both ends could introduce hum.
The TMB and Normal channel have their jacks wired the same way. So once you understand one you understand the other as well as any other dual input amp (Fender, Marshall, Hiwatt, Vox, etc.).