tdub wrote:
I want to run my effects processor to my 18 but not lose the tone that I do when I plug strait into it. So I was thinking of plugging my guitar into a aby box and run one of the outs to my processor and on to one channel of amp and run the other aby out strait to the other channel of the amp. I don't have an aby box to try this with so I was hopping someone would have input as to whether or not this would work.
Seems to me you are saying that you'd have the effects on one side of the box (call it A), and this would plug into one channel fo the amp (call it the Normal channel). The straight signal would be out of the other side of the box (B), and it would plug into the other channel (call it TMB). This would work fine as long as you were happy with toggling channels when you toggled the effects on and off. I.E., you clean sound would have to be the channel that never had the effects - TMB in this case.
But together (Y), you'd get that pseudo parallel loop thing going on that Coco suggests. In a Fender type amp with an extra gain stage on one channel (e.g. Deluxe Reverb), the two channels would be out of phase, so that might be lame. With an 18 watt, they aren't out of phase, so why not!
A: effects into Normal channel
B: clean signal directly into TMB channel
Y: both of the above in parallel
All in all, it sounds like a cool idea that I'd wish I'd thought of.