Hi folks,
I have exhausted all possible avenues in my bid to answer a couple of questions I have on the DC30 clone I'm building. I hope the the good folks here could put my mind at ease!
I'm using Ceri@tone's layout but sourced all the parts, etc myself.
http://Ceri@tone.com/images/layoutPic/m ... iatone.jpgI'm using Hammond trannies. They are the Vox vintage replacement set. I'm fine with the PT wiring but have a couple of questions about the OT. On the Ceri@tone layout the OT primary is labelled P - CT - P. Here's the Hammond data sheet for the OT which include the wiring diagram.
http://www.hammondmfg.com/pdf/EDB1750V.pdfThe primary has Yellow - Red - White wires. I'm guessing the CT is the red wire but am unsure where to connect the other two primary wires. The layout is labelled Q and S which are connections to pin 7 of two of the power valves.
I'm not sure if it matters which way round the yellow and white wires go. Surely the voltages present at pin 7 on the valves is the same does it shouldn't matter??? I'm stuck!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.