People are always quick to point out that rectifiers make no difference in tone but I could easily here a difference when I went from a JJ EZ81 and a Mullard EZ81. Similarly, I noticed a tonal difference between Benidix rect's and other NOS rect's in Fender tweeds. On the other hand, I can't tell you the number of times I have changed rectifiers and noticed NO difference at all. IT depends on the amps circuit and the electrical differences in the rectifiers.
I can't take a series a rectifier tubes and characterize their tonal characteristics like maybe one can with 12ax7s. No way. Every amp is different. The rectifier is tied to the performance of the amp and in some cases this can cause perceivable changes in tone.
I must say that my Trinity 18 watt Plexi is one of the most sensitive amps I have ever played when it comes to tube swapping. This is a brilliantly simple circuit with high quality components that will allow ever nuance to come through. Imagine the the nuances you can get from your fingers.