OK - a bunch of changes & new ideas here, plus some feedback on tube selections.
This morning I rewired the board-pot connections. My wiring now looks very similar to ajc's on that end of the board. This didn't seem to help the squeal issue much, but it does look much tidier. Sorry - didn't take a pic...but it now looks like ajc's build on the pot side, and like my original pics on the socket side.
I then replaced the purple wire from the vols to the OD with a shielded wire. This helped some, and reduced the noise a bit. It sounded great though, so I decided to install it back in the cabinet & leave it be.
At this point the tubes were a Mullard re-issue in v1, TS in V2, EH in v3 & an old Ruby 12AX7 in V4. The power tubes are TS also. I found this a little too intense for my taste, especially when overdriving the heck out of the pre-amp.
Earlier this week I ordered some JJ 12AX7's & a Jan-Phillips 12AT7 to try out. I tried it with the JJ's in V1-3 & the Jan in the PI first, and I liked this MUCH better. Still very tight, but less intense. However, the pre-amp was still a little too hairy when pushed.
Then I dropped the Mullard back in V1, leaving everything else the same. YEAH BABY! Warmer, smoother, a little more detailed, and even overdriving it to Mars it still maintained clarity & definition. I'm sold.
And here's the bonus prize...with the vols & OD dimed & the master at a listenable level (9:00 or so), no squeal! Maybe the shielding I've added to the cab helped. Maybe it was a tube issue. I don't know. So, a good day so far!
Then I started playing with it some more, mostly with my Godin LG signature (just happened to be in the room...and I was too involved to try anything else!). Sweet detailed cleans - very chimey/jangly if you want or warm & thick. Spanky or growly on the edge of breakup. Warm & thick when overdriven. Sweetness!
Granted, it won't nail the warm clean of the Deluxe or the TC jangle since it's a little too "tight", but it can get pretty close. It also doesn't have the saggy feel of an old tube rectified Marshall or a Mesa running in that mode. The upside of that is it doesn't lose definition when running wide open. It is a very detailed & accurate amp even at extreme settings. That makes it very unforgiving to sloppy technique too - guess I have to practice more!
And the thing has tons of gain on tap. Phil wasn't kidding when he said this thing has as many gain stages as a Dual Rec or SLO. I retract my comment about the OD being unusable at higher gain settings. Must have been part of my squealing issue. See my next comment for elaboration.
And here's a surprise (for me) - with the vols wound out with the OD well up there, it can even do metal. I figure when you can play Slayer or early Metallica & sound convincing, you have an amp that can handle metal.
I was running the vols & OD dimed, bass & treb at noon, mids at 9:00, presence as 3:00, master at 9:00 and through the Link input & it was very reminiscent of RTL & MoP era Metallica. It even has some of that sizzle that I love about the Mesa DR orange channel vintage mode (or the high gain channel on the Mark III or IV) - not "fizz" mind you...it just burns. Killer! Go to drop D and you can't help but play some Overkill. Crank up the mids a bit & you can get something similar to Slayer's "Seasons in the Abyss" album. Damn - this amp can do almost anything that I'd want. Guess I'll have to try it with the V30's again...
So, finally, I think I have the kinks worked out. This one has been a great build experience for me - I learned a lot! Killer amp people!
Now - just need to get that cabinet...