OK folks...I haw have my Triwatt cab & it's loaded up with BBQ Ceramic Thames.
Before I get going, let me say the 2x12 Triwatt cabinet is S-W-E-E-T! I wanna go on a Jac smiley binge here! Construction is top notch (practically industrial). I'm very proud to say I had a hand in designing this thing. Naturally, Stephen did all the hard stuff! I planted the seed & he came through big time.
One other nice touch that I wasn't anticipating...Stephen wired the cab to run in 2x12 mono or 1x12 stereo. That will be useful as I suspect my sIII will be finding a home on top of this cab also. A/B/Y with a Triwatt & sIIIV6? Sounds like a pretty sweet rig to me! I wonder how the two amps will sound running in stereo...
But I digress...
First, some eye candy. Full frontal...
Now, all buttoned up...
And finally, a hot backless number for those nights when you just HAVE to own the room...
Now, the real fun stuff - a tone review of the cab with the Fanes.
I'll use my V30 loaded cab as a reference point since most of us are familiar with the character of those speakers. First, the Thames is much more "hi-fi" overall than the V30. The top end is much more extended and detailed, especially when overdriving the amp. So much so that there is stuff going on up there that I couldn't even hear before. It doesn't sound brighter, just much more detailed. At extreme settings it also adds to the "Mesa-ish" quality that I mentioned before. Note that it doesn't have the "tearing" quality that I didn't like with the TTA clips.
The upper mid is much more relaxed than the Celestion. I just spent over an hour wailing through the thing sitting 4 feet away and my ears weren't even ringing (for long) when I was done. It's loud but not fatiguing. The other impact is the amp sounds much less intense - still very tight and very fast, but it's not like a demon breaking it's chains now even wound WAY out. I seriously digg it. And thanks to the more open top end it doesn't sound "dark". The mids also have a more vowely tone and it doesn't sound "honky" at all regardless of where the mid knob is positioned. The overall result is the mid knob now feels more subtle in it's response, and the clarity of the mids never disappears even on zero.
The bottom end is just plain fantastic. I was just playing with the bass at noon with my JS Moore SG with the channel vols & master all dimed. The bottom end stayed tight but it was so "there" that the head was actually moving on top of the cab! But it didn't sound overwhealming. That's a testament to how deceptively loud this amp really is. I can't imagine how huge it would be through a 4x12. Mind blowing perhaps...
Now, I dropped the master down to about 9:00 & engaged the OD on about 2:00. Freakin AWESOME! Heavily overdriven, that Mesa-ish burn happening, HUGE tone, and all at a volume you can talk over. Gotta love that!
I then plugged in my other SG (GFS Mean 90's) to see how it would fare on the clean side. Very nice. Surprisingly open & round. I guess the more relaxed mids & "hi-fi" feel of the Thames makes it more akin to the old Jensens used in early Fenders. It reminded me a lot of that tone in with some settings. Again, as I've noted before, the amp is far too tight to cop that entirely, but it makes for a wonderful clean tone that any rock guitarist would be happy with.
I pumped it up a little to get some bluesy grit happening. I do like it, but I prefer a more saggy sort of amp for blues. That syrupy OD. Something the old sIII does quite nicely, thank you! When I pushed the amp harder it got that P90 "bark" happening. Cool. With the channel vols rolled back a bit it sounds very reminiscent of PT on the "Killburn '77" Blu-ray (the show used for many of the clips in "The Kids are Alright". That, my friends, is a good thing!
Overall, the Triwatt cab with Thames drivers is more relaxed and "civilized" than my V30 loaded cab. It doesn't have the edginess and is less intense. It's also easier to listen to as high volumes, but it's still quite loud. The V30 certainly has it's place, and I do love them with some amps, but for this amp the more laid back speakers seem to shine.
And now...time to get something to eat. It's 9:30! How did the last 4 hours disappear like that...