I'm not much help in this area. My pot is currently hanging out in space behind the amp, while I wait for the opportunity to order a switched pot. My plan is to put a small knob on it (sadly, not a chicken head), and put it in the standby switch hole.
Also, I'm not sure how the location I used for the circuit board will relate to other 5E3's. I used a Hoffman turret board, and originally had a choke squeezed in between the PT and the board. Since I ended up not using the choke, that left me with lots of room between the board and the PT. That's where I decided to mount the VRM board, nice and close to the standby switch.
Pot locations I considered (and why I rejected them):
1.One of the input jack holes
- Noise considerations. I'm running the Hoffman layout, shielded input wiring, etc., because I wanted the quietest 5E3 possible. Why ruin a good thing by bringing the B+ so close to those little input signals?
- Area too crowded, wiring run back to the filter caps too long, nowhere to mount the circuit board.
2. Under the chassis, near the PT.
- Too close to the hot rectifier. Ouch!
- Too hard to access when making adjustments.
3. Speaker Jack
- As per under the chassis
- Also, too far away from the ideal mounting spot for the VRM board.
Others I briefly considered and rejected, included using the existing holes for the pilot light or the tone control. In the end, the idea of relocating all those components just made me tired...
Here's a link to photos of my original build and the subsequent power transformer upgrade, to get my voltages under control:
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2 ... 79d7e04e0e
I sure wish I had known about Trinity back then. It could have saved me some $$ and headaches on my build, and I would have had a Heyboer OT as well. I'm still making do with the Mojo OT that came with my Marsh kit.
Anyway, I will shoot some pics of the VRM install, and post them ASAP.