Here are clips of my custom 18 watt Plexi. See thread for amp details
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2464Guitar: Ibanez RG570 - Bridge: Duncan Distortion - Neck:Ibanez C2 single coil
Speaker: 1978 Peavey 412 with 200 watt Peavey Scrpions - 4 ohms
SM57 -> Audiobox USB -> Cubase LE4
Scroll down in this thread for more recent clips.
Thanks for listening.
Edit: From my other thread.
Unimind wrote:
Here is a clip of the TMB channel with everything dimed, tube recto, fixed bias (about 75% diss), NFB on, boost on, bright on.
Made some changes to the normal channel to tighten up the bass.
Changed coupling cap to .0047uF
Changed cathode bypass cap to 3.3uF
Sounds much tighter now. Really has that 80s feel.
Normal Gain: 8
Bright Gain: 10
T: 5
M: 4
B: 2
P: N/A
M: 1
Bias: auto
NFB: off
Boost: on
Bright: on
Cascade: on
Same as above but with cascade off. Channels are internally jumpered.