I see a few things that we can try.
First is the grid leak to V2a. This is the 470k resistor on the TMB ch gain pot in the picture below. This will reduce the gain a little going into V2. This is in addition to the mix resistor that you have on the board already.
tmbgain1.JPG [ 22.62 KiB | Viewed 4791 times ]
Next is the V2b cathode resistor marked 100k in the next pic. This will also reduce gain a bit. I am not sure what you have in there now. It looks like you have gray,blue,blue which would be 86Mohm which can't be right. In any case you want it to be 100k (brown,black,yellow).
Cerboardview2.JPG [ 152.36 KiB | Viewed 4791 times ]
Also in that last pic I circled 2 resistors. Are those gray,black,red 8k? Or are they brown,black,red 1k? They should be 820R gray,red,brown. If you have 1k there it should be ok but I am not sure what 8k would do.