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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:37 am 
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Worked on all the lead wires from the board today.

1) The layout shows gray wire (no gray in the kit, but that's not the issue) going to pin 4 of v7 and v8, the 6V6 tubes. In the sIII v6 build photo, it looks like nothing goes to those pins, so I was a little concerned. Is this correct?

2) On the same topic, it appears that three wires should go to pin 4 of v7: one from pin 4 of v8, one from the 100R 1 watt resistor on the board, and one from pin 8 of v5 (which continues on to connect to pin 8 of v4 as well. Is this so? Seems strange that such a big bunch of wires wouldn't show up on the pics. I can see the resistors across pin 5 and 6 of the 6V6 and I can see the heater wires on pins 2 and 7. But it's weird I can't see three wires going to pin 4. Am I missing something obvious?

3) Regarding the shielded wire. I haven't done this step yet, but something jumps out at me. From what I see, I need to do four complete runs from the input jacks to the two little 3 lug strips on v1. The kit seems to have just enough of the shielded wire for that. But looking at the layout and the pictures, it appears that another long run of shielded wire needs to go from the middle lug of the Gain pot to pin 2 of v2. If so (and it sure looks like it on the pics and layout), there doesn't seem to be nearly enough shielded wire to make the runs I've seen in the pics.
a) Is the kit missing some wire?
b) Am I misinterpreting something from the pics and layout?
c) Do I need to find some local shielded wire? If so, what's recommended (gage, etc.)?

Sorry for the third thread with questions. I want to start a build thread, but it seems pointless until I upload my pics from the wife's camera to PhotoBucket. Luckily, thus far, none of my questions have been the troubleshooting variety that need pics. Besides, this way, new questions don't flounder in the end of an old thread. If the mod(s) can merge the threads, great. I promise to start a build thread when I get those pics up.


Go Buckeyes!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:11 am 
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Joined: Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:47 pm
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1. The gray wire goes to pin 4 on V7 and V6 and pin 9 on V5 and V4.
2. Post pics so we have reference. Follow the layout and your fine.
3. Email for more wire.


PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:20 pm 
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kurtlives wrote:
1. The gray wire goes to pin 4 on V7 and V6 and pin 9 on V5 and V4.
2. Post pics so we have reference. Follow the layout and your fine.
3. Email for more wire.

1) First off, you say v6 and v7, but I wrote v7 and v8. I'm guessing that boils down to the layout being weird in that the tube numbers don't go up right to left (rectifier shows up as v6 even though it's at the end and most people would think of it as v8). Bottom line, I hope we are both talking about the 6V6 power tubes. Secondly, I'll have to double check the layout when I get home tonight with regard to v4 and v5. I thought the layout showed pin 8, but you typed pin 9. Definitely need to double-check that.

2) Will do. When I took pictures of last night's progress, I also snapped a few of the layout itself just in case such a question arose. Really need to upload to PhotoBucket, but can't do so until I download to the PC from the camera (C drive currently full pending the wife archiving GOBS of her stuff to the external hard drive, believe it or not!).

3) Thanks, I'll email Trinity. :D

Go Buckeyes!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:43 pm 
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Ya I was just going off the first v6 layout in the Resource section that has no numbers.
It's pin 9.


PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:52 pm 
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kurtlives wrote:
It's pin 9.

Thanks. I'll definitely check that at home tonight. I initially made this question thread last night well after midnight. My mind may have been fried after a full day of work, then the kids, then soldering after they were in bed. Yikes. The alarm coming around again at 6:30 was rough! :shock:

Go Buckeyes!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:06 pm 
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kurtlives wrote:
Ya I was just going off the first v6 layout in the Resource section that has no numbers.
It's pin 9.

Ah, I see what I did.

First, I used the second one that has tube numbers, FWIW. But the goofy part is that I probably need to look closer. Those are nine pin tubes. I just read them as 8 pin and assumed the last pin was 8. Duh! :oops: The one next to "8" is also 8. That would make it 9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 just doesn't make sense!!! :D

My mistake. :oops: ... layout.jpg

Go Buckeyes!

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