Logan wrote:
Hey guys! I'm new around here, but I have a tc15 kit on it's way and can't wait to get started on it. Kurtlives, I'm wondering if you still have the reverb schematic handy. That's one mod I'm definitely wanting to implement.
http://www.glaswerks.com/schematics/reverbcir.jpg680pF for C4
1M (A) pot
Add a 10K grid stopper on the second triode
22nF for C3 or adjust to taste
Forget what the cathode resistors were, both bypass caps were 25mF. I want to say the cathode resistors were 1K each.
Use standard Fender iron (25K:8)
Tank was a medium delay/dwell tank (full size).
Take the B+ from the node supplying V1. The input to the reverb comes from the output of the tonestack (treble lug 3) and the output of the reverb gets mixed back at the input of the PI (100K 10nF node).