I've built both and am really happy with both. Answers for your questions.
1) The Triwatt is "nastier" because it has a more cutting tone and perhaps slightly more gain. 2) You can get "Marshally" and "Fendery" tones from the Tramp while the Triwatt obviously emulates a Hiwatt. They are not "metal" amps.
It's really hard to give specific descriptions of their tones because they are both extremely versatile. Both are super for recording. Add a couple of pedals and anything is possible. Clean, blues, overdriven, full gain, it's all there in both amps. Great designs in my opinion. When I play I usually spend time with both amps. Right now I'm using the Triwatt with my band.
The Tramp is obviously an easier build but the Triwatt was so worth the effort.