Hey all.
Been working more on the Forum than on amps for the past couple of years. However, I just fired up my TRIWATT build today. I'd publish the pictures, but I'd bring shame to right angled wiring folks everywhere. Anyway, I have some sound coming out of the speaker, and I can hear changes when I vary every pot, so quite a bit is going right for me. However, I don't have any input audio at the speaker end. Chopsticking yielded no loose connections. Anyway, here are my voltages. Can my V3 and v4 are the biggest discrepancies from the published numbers, in some cases double the values.
Tube Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 Pin 5 Pin 6 Pin 7 Pin 8
V1 116 0 1.05 x x 100 0 0.7
V2 150 0 1.14 x x 68.1 0 1.2
V3 222 130 130 x x 130 0 130
V4 147.2 130 130 x x 194.4 103 130
V5 x x 438 495 36 356 x 1.6
V6 x x 438 404 36 36 x 1.6