Hey guys,
first time poster here, but I have been using this forum for quite some time. Some great info, thanks to all!!
I finished my trinity 18watt plexi, and love it, but like everyone else, feel the need to tweek. I was wondering about the main differences on the normal channel of the plexi vs. the plexi 2. I have been checking out alot of the threads, and see that uniminds one change of C16 from a 200uf cap to a 3.3uf seems to be the main difference, but is this change strictly to tighten up the bass, or does it add gain for this channel? I am going to do alot of the brown mods to my amp, but was wondering if this was a really important part of the recipe, and could I go with some different values in between 220uf and 3.3uf? I am also wondering where he came up with the 3.3uf cap value, as that seems to be an odd value that is not real easy to find? Thanks to all in advance, and thanks for having such a great forum.