OK ,it's finished for now as I can't wait to play it for a few days.
Mods I did are:
VRM the PA only.
I love this!(35V on EL84 plates min - max 360V with EZ81 )and (380/385V with SS rectifier,would be good for 6V6's)
Switchable tube/SS rectifier
At low V the EL84s break up SO nice at bedroom levels!
The PPIMV (post PI master volume) a must have if you ask me...
Allows me to overdrive the PI as well if I want for more crunch.
I bootstrapped the CF with the previous stage(2 x 68K = 136K + .068uf) this sets the gain of the previous stage to the max of the tube used,and with that previous stage's cathode bypassed on a switch with a .68uf ,Thank You Merlin for this info!!!!!(from his website)
http://www.valvewizard.co.uk/dccf.html1st stage of the TMB channel is 2K7/.68uf Rk,120K plate R into the stage bootstrapped with the CF along with the 2 x 68K plate Rs it uses a 470K (680P bright cap) gridstopper 1M gridleak, 820 Rk ,the CF uses a 47K Rk.
This gives me TONS of gain available,enough to do Metallica without adding a boost pedal.
The biggest reduction in white noise came from lowering the 1st stage's grid stoppers to 3K with the 1M grid leaks and a 68P G-K,the normal channel has been lowered to 22K grid stoppers,1K5 Rk,bypassed with 2.2Uf and 25Uf paralleled.
I added the 220K/2W screen leaks on the EL84s and am feeding the 100R screen resistor through a 1K 3W resistor.
Removed the octal sockets for now,more room, less to trouble shoot,will probably change back to octals later on.
The hum was from poor lead when I "straightened up" the inside,this caused bad routing.
Along with the heater wires being mixed (possibly)
I ended up using 2 x 1K balance resistors and elevated the heaters to my PA cathodes.I even tried a hum balance pot and it didn't offer any improvement over the resistors.
I also used shielded biwire to the PA and up to the PI for the heaters.
Anyway its all fixed very little hum or white noise.
I did A LOT ! of reading to get the white noise level down as far as possible,and to get as much gain as possible without adding another tube or cascading the normal channel.
I love this amp !!! Thank You Coco for making the schematics and layouts available!!
I will try and get some sound clips recorded so you can hear how much gain the bootstrapped CF adds,and how good the VRM on the PA only sounds at low volumes.
Future mods in planning are adding another tube so I can have a paralleled normal channel (chime and shimmer) and a paralled 1st stage on the TMB channel (lower noise),mixing resistors,an NFB loop and a presence control.
This will mean losing the tube rectifier though,but that will allow me to re rout the HV better from the PT to the rectifier.
Still not sure on these I want to play it awhile as is first.