No worries on the thread hi jack I do it too...
I basically built the Plexi V6 then changed it to the Plexi Lead MKII by using the different schematics and layouts from the resource section.
Sorry I haven't got the sound clips up,I have been busy and haven't even been able to pick up my guitar for awhile
On the plus side I did buy Merlin's book and have been able to read a couple chapters from it.
Really amazing info in it for us tube amp hacker types
I also picked up a used version of "Practical Electronics for Inventors" this is like a complete electronics info treasure trove so glad I bought them both.
After reading some of Merlin's book I want to redo the input of my Plexi build a little.
He has amazing advice for lowering noise,removing heater hum,ect,ect.
The kids are with the soon to be ex wife,I might get in the garage and get those clips done for you.
I have some more mods planned and that way you guys can hear the differences.
I actually haven't touched the amp since I got it dialed in as posted earlier,I built a Clyde McCoy wah for it,then started working on an active volume/stereo panner pedal.
So I can use this amp with my other DIY 18 watter it sounds awesome running stereo through them both.
Then got side tracked with some personal issues
I will keep this thread updated as I change the amp,and answer any questions I can.