I've got a new version of the sIII that put together. Between coco and I we've gone through a few names, but I think we've settled on calling it the sIII One, for a single channel sIII.
This amp is the result of several things.
1) I've wanted a mini-stack for a long time, but didn;t want a solid state head
2) I've wanted to hear an sIII in person
3) I had some Celestion Relic 30 hanging around
So I built the mini stack around the TMB channel of an sIII. I used the extra triode for a footswitchable boosted mode; fairly simple channel switching. The amp goes from a JTM-45 type clean to a full JCM-800 type roar.
Of course I used Trinity's wonderful new transformer set. I couldn't use their chassis, however, because I wanted it to be a mini-stack so I used BrownNote's chassis because it is only 14" wide. I did the rest myself. I used one watt carbon films and Sozo caps. Incidently I just learned that Trinity is now using Sozos for their amps and kits, which are very smooth sounding.
First the sIII TMB is not any more gain challenged than a MID 60'S 1987 50 WATT. The boosted channel gets nice and fat and big. A nice jump in distortion and volume for leads, even with the Master on 10!
Anyway, for those interested I uploaded a bunch of pics and a schematic to my gallery at 18watt.com.