OK...calm down y'all!
I have the biasing issue fixed. It was the bias cap ground. It was there & had continuity. Guess it was a bad solder job on my part. Biasing perfectly now.
I think I figured out the noise issue too. After I went back in to fix the couple of problem I had & fired it back up, no sound. Buh? It was pumping to the output tubes (that faint hum was there that's always in tube amps), but not a peep other than that. I messed around for a bit, did some chopsticking, etc...nothing.
then I wound out the master & one of the channel volumes - BINGO! Well, not exactly. I got noise, but that's all it could be called. I was getting kinda frustrated at this point I sat back in my chair feeling pretty bummed.
Then I notice the PI tube was rather bright. Odd. I opened the volumes back up & played a little & when I'd get sound, the PI got dimmer. Could I have a bad PI tube maybe? I swapped it and BAM! We're in business! Less hum too. I expect some as I have the thing in the den in front of my computer, but substantially quiter than before. I played through it for a bit with no issues, and it sounds fine.
I'll have better feedback when I take it to the living room & lean on it for a bit. Also have to put better tubes in there - just have cheap-ass Sovteks in it now (OK tubes, but I find them really sterile). I wasn't gonna ause my sweet bottles for the initial fire-up!
Probably no more tonight though...I haven't eaten yet today!!! I'll post some pics tomorrow also. Hopefully the innards aren't too embarrassing!
Oh - by the way, I still have the squealing issue with the OD up there. Similar problem to Andrew...fine up to a point & then just goes batshit somewhere around 2:00 or so. Looking forward to seeing his solution!