Unimind wrote:
You have only made these few changes. Do you have 820R or 470R for your PI bias resistor? I noticed a slight improvement with the fizzies going back to 820R on the PI bias. I wondering if it just has to do with putting these values from the 1959/1987 spec in front of the 18 watt PI and EL84s.
It does seem a little better for me now that I have gone to 6CM6s (viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3294) and altered the PI. I still have to tweak some more though as the fizzies are still there a little but not as bad as with the EL84s.
I've read through all of those before but I'm not about to make a lot of changes to the PI PA section just yet ! I do have a 820 and will try that at least. as it will reduce the drive to pa. (just don't do what I did when i first built it and go too high as I had a really quiet amp with a 470K res in by mistake

Lets see the fizzys where always there from day one before mods just not as predominant And seem to be only there when the amp is more on the pinned side of things. To me they seem like higher freq riding on low notes. And since pushing the treble side of things up with 1959/1987 spec, your more than likely right on this adding more to the fizzy syndrome.
At this point I only have the parts to change is the 1meg down to 470k on the input of v2 and the 2k7 from 820R on the the cathode of v1. I though I ordered a .68 but looks like I did not and a couple of other parts I forgot as well. So at this point I'm putting the soldering iron down till I compile another parts list. Which will leave me to play in the wood shop for a couple of weeks.
Now some radical fizzy theory 
(maybe just in my head but need someone with more tube knowledge than me to look at it) Cause its been a long time since I was in school for electronics and just about as long since I've look at theory of it.
This amp was originally designed as a practice amp in like mid 60's. Was not designed like most early stuff to be played to the max. Until guys like Clapton, Townshead , Hendrix and too many others started cranking plexi's to the max cause while that is rock and roll. I've been scouring the net for the last two days looking at Schematics of 18watters 16watters basically anything with two el84's in them. and looking at PI and Pa sections. As well as looking at modern as well as vintage 1959 and 1987 as well as jtm 45 stuff. Now for most of the old stuff I'm guessing the original schematics where originally draw'n on cocktail napkin's and so forth as the stuff got refined it started to show on paper by what I'm finding 1969 1970 ish . As well as the stuff drawing out from guys who have redrawn from having an actual late 60's amp in font of them.
Sort got side tracked there just remember what I said early about not being designed to be pinned in the early years.
Now looking at the big 50 and 100 watters the all seem to have a unbalanced plate resistor scheme on the PI usually one is 82k and the other is 100k which seems to set the plate v off ~10 with that small 47-100 pf cap across it ( And I'm still WTF ) and I know the cap was added in the attempt to fix. Is this creating some sort of out of phase oscillation that help's to cancel the high freq fizz we all love so much or is it something completely different. Most of the El84 schematics I found had the standard 100k on both sides but most where copy's of the original marshall one, but not all. Looking at some of the home brews and at least one known manufacture that there was an unbalance in them any where from the 82k/100k to 100k/120k aswell as a small value cap.
Now back to radical fizzy theory.
I Just guessing that this was developed over the early years and never did get added to the 18 as they was to busy gettting the 50 and100 watters fizzy free.
Anyway some values of resistors and caps are going on my shopping list but if anyone else is inclined to explain it or has the parts to give a try let me know how it turns out