brimc76 wrote:
I have a Tung Sol 5881 and a Tube Store Preferred Series 12AX7 installed in my Tramp. I play mostly using the Fat mode switch on and I really like the tone. I have mine in a larger Tweed (5E3) cabinet with a 12" BBQ (12A125A) speaker though. I tried different 6V6 and 6L6 tubes and settled on this one.
Nice information here! Thanks. BTW, I also have my Tramp in a 5E3 cabinet which I had modified to fit the Tramp chassis. I have a question about your 12A125A. Did you get it at 30watts or 20 watts. ;ight or no dope? I am test driving both an old jensen P12r and the 12A125A this coming Sunday; both are used. Today I was switching back and forth between my blue dog ceramic and a pair of vintage 10's (in my Super Reverb). As much as I like the blue dog ceramic for its edgeness, those vintage alnico's just sound so sweet and right for this Tramp. I know this is off topic, but I would like to hear about the version of the 12A125A you use--light dope, 20 or 30 watts?
Back on topic, Tung Sol definitely have great power tubes; I love my Tung Sol 6v6GT. I have also just tried a new Tung Sol 6L6GC STR which also sounded very nice in my Tramp. I definitely like it better than the Sovtek 6L6; the Tung Sol is clearer with more definition than the Sovtek, but does not seem quite as transparent or as much sparkle as the SED 6l6 winged GC. From my experimenting with tubes, the 6L6's that stand out are: SED winged C and an old Sylvannia 6L6 that i pulled from my vintage Super Reverb, but just to try it out, and I put it back in the Fender where it belongs.
I have also played around with the EL34 and KT77 tubes. I will post some thoughts about them in a future post. They sound great in the Tramp, but they definitely give a different tonal color to the Tramp's tonal palete.