Page 11 - Triwatt Custom Lead Amp Builder's Guide
P. 11

Guitars - The TRIWATT can handle many guitars with aplomb. Tele, Strat, Danos, Ric, Les
               Paul with P90's for the single coils, and Les Paul, SG, Seymour Duncan hot-rodded Fender
               Cyclone for 'buckers, PRS Mira in both 'bucker and single mode -   have all been tested with
               this amp, and every guitar sounds GREAT.  Also, Hiwatts are known for taking a lot of
               pedals really well. The TRIWATT does not disappoint in this area either.
               Key Points about the TRIWATT Design
                     Big Hiwatt DR clean tones and breakup at more ear-friendly levels
                     Vintage style early '70s 103 preamp (with cathode-follower)
                     Three-inputs - Normal, Bright and Link, like Dave Gilmour's 3-input amps
                     Switchable 80s' "Biacrown era" high-gain OL/Lead mode, with Overdrive control
                       and optional footswitch
                     Early Hiwatt style 12AT7 phase invertor, with 12AX7 option for increased breakup
                     Solid State rectified, fixed-bias, 22 Watt 6V6 power stage, based closely on Hiwatt
                     Optional 6V6 or KT66 operation with External Bias Control and Bias Test Points
                     Transformers closely based on original Hiwatt Partridge transformers for definitive
                     Preamp easily modded for Pete Townshend or Jimmy Page/SAP variants
                     Compact physical format and cabinet - chassis also fits other standard cabs

                                         TrinityAmps TRIWATT Builders Guide Ver. 2.31.docx
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