Page 11 - Triwatt Custom Lead Amp Builder's Guide
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Guitars - The TRIWATT can handle many guitars with aplomb. Tele, Strat, Danos, Ric, Les
Paul with P90's for the single coils, and Les Paul, SG, Seymour Duncan hot-rodded Fender
Cyclone for 'buckers, PRS Mira in both 'bucker and single mode - have all been tested with
this amp, and every guitar sounds GREAT. Also, Hiwatts are known for taking a lot of
pedals really well. The TRIWATT does not disappoint in this area either.
Key Points about the TRIWATT Design
Big Hiwatt DR clean tones and breakup at more ear-friendly levels
Vintage style early '70s 103 preamp (with cathode-follower)
Three-inputs - Normal, Bright and Link, like Dave Gilmour's 3-input amps
Switchable 80s' "Biacrown era" high-gain OL/Lead mode, with Overdrive control
and optional footswitch
Early Hiwatt style 12AT7 phase invertor, with 12AX7 option for increased breakup
Solid State rectified, fixed-bias, 22 Watt 6V6 power stage, based closely on Hiwatt
Optional 6V6 or KT66 operation with External Bias Control and Bias Test Points
Transformers closely based on original Hiwatt Partridge transformers for definitive
Preamp easily modded for Pete Townshend or Jimmy Page/SAP variants
Compact physical format and cabinet - chassis also fits other standard cabs
TrinityAmps TRIWATT Builders Guide Ver. 2.31.docx
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