Page 46 - Triwatt Custom Lead Amp Builder's Guide
P. 46

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            9 Final checkout
            When you finish assembling the amp, double-check the wiring and the components.

            Test continuity for all the connections.  Set your meter to continuity and follow the layout diagram
            to make sure all the connections are correct. Trace or highlight the connections on a copy of the
            layout provided with the kit to ensure the amp is wired correctly. Check everything at least once!
            Touch each component's lead and touch the lead at the other connection.

            Measure the resistances to confirm they are correct.

            Measure the resistance from each part that has a ground connection to the chassis. Put your probe
            on the parts lead. All readings should be between 1 ohm and 0.1 ohm typically.

            Make sure the Mains ground at the chassis is very tight.

                                       TrinityAmps TRIWATT Builders Guide Ver. 2.31.docx- 46 -
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