Page 45 - Triwatt Custom Lead Amp Builder's Guide
P. 45

3                        4          3                        4  3                        4  3                        4

                                                         Brilliant  1M       Link              Normal  1M

                        Link                      1                        2  1                        2  1                        2

              1                        2

            Bottom view of a Cliff Jack
            showing the hidden
            connections, underneath              To 68K input
            with dotted lines                   resistors at V1

            On the input jack end, connect the shields to the ground point on the jacks, which in turn go
            directly to the pre-amp ground. Do not connect the shields at both ends of the cable or you will
            induce hum.

            Measure enough shielded cable to reach from the input jacks to the terminal strip, routing the
            cable around the end of the turret board. Prepare the shielded cable for connection and put some
            heat shrink over the end to ensure there is no chance the shield will connect to ground or touch
            the tube pins. Solder the shielded cable centre conductor to each 68K resistor on each tag.

            Input to V1
            If you haven’t already, install 2 3-lug terminal strips at
            the base of V1 closest to the board.  Use the tube
            socket mounting bolt to hold the strip in place.

            Connect the two 68K input resistors from two of the                      4 5 6      68K
            tags to the input (pin 7 and pin 2) of V1.  Make the end               3  2   7
            that connects to the input pin 7 as short as possible.                  1     8
                                                                             68K         9

                                       TrinityAmps TRIWATT Builders Guide Ver. 2.31.docx- 45 -
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