Page 37 - Triwatt Custom Lead Amp Builder's Guide
P. 37

                                                                                                  + + +   + + +
                                                                                                   +    +          >|
                                                         47n  |            10n  |        91K  22K2W  82K  47uf   47uf
                       |  1n  |  22n                220p  220K  |  47n  1n  |                      50V    50V       >|
                 1K5  47n |  2K2  1K  +2uf 50V  1K  |  22n  + 16 uF 450V >>  + 33 uF 450V >>  560K  2K2  100K  22K  100n   |  7K5 2W  |   100n  15K     >|  2K4   5W
                       220K  220K                   |  1n  100K  100K      470R          47n  |  47n  |     >|  47K     >|
                                                                                            100K  100K  910K 2W
                                    220K  10K2W  100K                                                   180K 2W

            TRIWATT Board
            Strip a piece of the supplied 20 gauge solid core wire long enough for the buss bar. Bend it at each
            end and install the ground buss bar onto the board. Do not solder in place yet.

            Carefully identify the board components and their values.  Measure the resistor values to
            confirm they are correct. If you can, check the capacitor values as well. See the section on
            how to read Resistor and Capacitor codes. Ensure that electrolytic capacitors (power supply,
            bypass caps) are aligned with the correct polarity on the board. There will be a ‘+’ sign, or
            indentation to identify the positive end of the capacitor.

            Arrange the board according to the layout diagram and follow the diagram closely.
            Capacitor Orientation: In the manufacturing of a non-polarized capacitor, Mallory, SOZO, ETR
            etc., one of the foils ends up on the outside while the other is wrapped on the inside. As a result,
            the outside foil may be used as a “shield”.  To minimize amp noise, we can orient the outer foil
            side in circuit stages to take advantage of this inherent shielding.
            If a signal travels into a coupling capacitor and enters the outside foil side, this will act as a shield,
            minimizing induced noise interference. Ideally you would be able to connect the outer foil to the
            incoming signal point or to the lower impedance stage. For capacitors that are used as cathode
            bypass capacitors or in tone stacks, the outer foil gets connected towards ground. For coupling,
            the outer foil is oriented towards the previous stage.
            Some manufacturers such as SOZO have this polarity marked. Others do not.  In this case, if you
            have access to an oscilloscope, you can quickly determine which lead is the outer foil.
            Set your oscilloscope to a low AC setting [10 - 20mV] and hold the capacitor between your fingers
            to induce noise. Connect the oscilloscope probes to the capacitor leads.  One orientation of leads
            will result in a lower reading.  In this case, make note of the lead that is connected to the
            oscilloscope ground lead (usually has an alligator clip) and that identifies the outer foil.  Mark the
            capacitor with a sharpie and install the cap as per the provided TRIWATT board layout.
            Install the components on the board by following the layout – from left to right.

            Note: For multiple component leads that must fit into one turret, insert them first and solder once
            when they are all in place. Bend each component lead at 90 degrees so that it fits into the turret,
            squarely and neatly. Solder each turret once all component leads that connect to it are in place.

                                       TrinityAmps TRIWATT Builders Guide Ver. 2.31.docx- 37 -
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